Archive for the ‘Robert Murray’ Tag

Robert Murray   1 comment

Flag of Nova Scotia

Above:  Flag of Nova Scotia

Image in the Public Domain

Robert Murray (1832-1910) edited the Presbyterian Witness from 1855 to 1910.


Sow the Seed Beside All Waters:

Thou, Lord, Art Our Life and Length of Our Days:

Jesus, Lord, We Humbly Pray:

Our Blessed Bond of Union:

Lord, Thou Lovest the Cheerful Giver:

From Ocean Unto Ocean:

Our Loved Dominion Bless:


Posted May 31, 2015 by neatnik2009 in Sources M

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Sow the Seed Beside All Waters   1 comment


Above:  Landscape with the Parable of the Sower, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder

Image in the Public Domain

Hymn Source = The Presbyterian Book of Praise (1915), Presbyterian Church in Canada, via

Text by Robert Murray (1832-1915)


1.  Sow the seed beside all waters,

North and south and east and west,

That our toiling sons and daughters

In the harvest may be blest.

Tell the tidings of salvation

‘Mid the storms of Labrador;

Speak the word of consolation

By the lone Pacific shore.

2.  Where the forests old are falling,

Yielding place to lawn and lea;

Where the fisher plies his calling

‘Mid the perils of the sea;

Where the tide of commerce rushes

Through the city’s crowded street,

And unpitying mammon crushes

Poor and weak beneath his feet.

3.  Where our brothers, sowing, reaping,

Delving for the hidden ore,

Now with joy and now with weeping,

Labor to increase their store;

Where the stranger wanders lonely

In the homeless wilderness,

Tell of Jesus, Jesus only,

Who alone can save and bless.

4.  Tell how tenderly He careth

For the weary and oppressed,

How their burdens all He beareth,

As He leads them to His rest;

Tell that He, the Lord from heaven,

Died for all and lives again,

All through Him may be forgiven,

All with Him in glory reign.

5.  Tell His love beyond all telling,

Seeking, following those who flee,

Love rebellious hearts compelling

To His service glad and free.

Thus a precious harvest gather,

North and south and east and west,

To the glory of the Father,

Son and Spirit ever blest.

Thou, Lord, Art Our Life and Length of Our Days   1 comment

Flag of Canada 1868-1921

Above:  The Flag of Canada, 1868-1921

Image in the Public Domain

Hymn Source = Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1880)

Text by Robert Murray (1832-1910)


1.  Thou, Lord, art our life and the length of our days:

Our voices to Thee in thanksgiving we raise;

Our shield and our buckler, our refuge and tower,

We trust in Thy faithfulness, mercy, and power.

2.  We thank Thee, we praise Thee, for sunshine and rain,

For calm and for tempest, for pleasure and pain;

Thy love and Thy wisdom our tongues shall employ,

In light and in darkness, in sorrow and joy.

3.  The summer and autumn, the winter and spring,

To Thee shall their tribute of gratitude bring;

The sea and its fullness, the earth and the air,

And tell of Thy goodness, Thy glory declare.

4.  We thank Thee, we praise Thee, for beauty and youth,

For justice and freedom, for honour and truth;

For the wealth of the ocean, the forest and field,

And all the rewards that our industries yield.

5.  We thank Thee, we praise Thee, for plenty and peace,

For Thy full-flowing bounty that never doth cease,

For the Church and the Sabbath, the Home and the School,

For a land in which mercy and righteousness rule.

6.  We thank Thee and praise Thee, our Father above,

For all the dear tokens of kindness and love

Thou sendest to greet us, as day follows day,

To lighten our burdens and gladden our way.

7.  We thank Thee for life with its blessings so free,

And for the glad hope which we have, Lord, in Thee,

That Thou wilt receive us in peace to Thy rest,

To serve Thee on high with the saved and the blest.

Jesus, Lord, We Humbly Pray   1 comment

St. Catherine's 02

Above:  St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church, Marietta, Georgia, May 17, 2015

Image Source = Bill Monk, Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Hymn Source = Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1880)

Text by Robert Murray (1832-1910)


1.  Jesus, Lord, we humbly pray,

Take our gifts on this Thy day:

Gladly, gratefully, we give,

Of Thy grace do Thou receive:

With our store we worship Thee,

As we seek Thy favour free.

2.  In the hollow of Thy hand

Is the wealth of sea and land;

All Thou grantest us to own

Appertains to Thee alone;

Claim, then claim, our earthly store

And ourselves for evermore!

3.  In our wealth and poverty

With glad hearts we bow to Thee;

Thine we are in life, in death;

Thine from birth to latest breath;

Ransomed children, we shall be

Thine to all eternity.

4.  Though our gifts be poor and small,

Thou dost welcome one and all;

Widow’s mite or water cup,

To our Lord when lifted up,

Is as precious in Thine eyes

As the costliest sacrifice.

5.  Jesus, we our vows will pay

In Thy house on this Thy day;

And Thy service be our joy,

And Thy work our hands employ

Till we hear the sweet “Well done”

From Thy Glorious Judgment Throne.

Our Blessed Bond of Union   1 comment

St. Catherine's Marietta

Above:  St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church, Marietta, Georgia, May 17, 2015

Image Source = Bill Monk, Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Hymn Source = Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1880)

Text by Robert Murray (1832-1910)


1.  Our blessed bond of union,

Thou art, O Christ, our Lord!

The rule of our communion

Is thine own faithful word.

Thou art our Elder Brother,

Who, to redeem us, died;

To Thee, and to none other,

Our souls do we confide.

2.  Thy peace in us abounding,

Thy presence ever sure,

Thy light our path surrounding,

Thy strength to us secure.

Beneath Thy banner glorious,

Clad in Thy armour true,

We shall march on victorious,

And all our foes subdue.

3.  Saviour, most true and gracious,

Thy Spirit now impart,

And let Thy love most precious

Possess and fill each heart.

We grasp Thy promise given,

We set before our eyes

One faith, one hope, one heaven,

One battle and one prize.

Lord, Thou Lovest the Cheerful Giver   1 comment

Church of the Ascension

Above:  Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Cartersville, Georgia, May 10, 2015

Image Source = Bill Monk, Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Hymn Source = The Hymnal of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (1941)

Text (1880) by Robert Murray (1832-1910)


1.  Lord, Thou lovest the cheerful giver,

Who with open heart and hand

Blesses freely, as a river

That refreshes all the land;

Grant us, then, the grace of giving

With a spirit large and free,

That our life and all our living

We may consecrate to Thee.

2.  Thine own life Thou freely gavest

As an offering on the cross

For all sinners whom Thou savest

From eternal shame and loss.

Blest by Thee with gifts and graces,

May we heed Thy Church’s call,

Gladly in all times and places

Give to Thee, who givest all.

3.  Saviour, Thou hast freely given

All the blessings we enjoy,

Earthly store and bread of heaven,

Love and peace without alloy;

Humbly now we bow before Thee,

And our all to Thee resign;

For the kingdom, power, and glory

Are, O Lord, forever Thine.

From Ocean Unto Ocean   1 comment

Canada and Newfoundland 1945

Above:  Canada and Newfoundland, 1945

Image Source = Hammond’s New Era Atlas of the World (1945)

Scan by Kenneth Randolph Taylor

Hymn Source = The Hymnary of The United Church of Canada (1930)

Text (1880) by Robert Murray (1832-1910)


1.  From ocean unto ocean

Our land shall own Thee, Lord,

And, filled with true devotion,

Obey Thy sovereign word;

Our prairies and our mountains,

Forest and fertile field,

Our rivers, lakes, and fountains

To Thee shall tribute yield.

2.  O Christ, for Thine own glory,

And for our country’s weal,

We humbly plead before Thee,

Thyself in us reveal;

And may we know, Lord Jesus,

The touch of Thy dear hand,

And, healed of our diseases,

The tempter’s power withstand.

3.  Where error smites with blindness,

Enslaves and leads astray,

Do Thou in loving-kindness

Proclaim Thy gospel day,

Till all the tribes and races

That dwell in this fair land,

Adorned with Christian graces,

Within Thy courts shall stand.

4.  Our Saviour King, defend us,

And guide where we should go,

Forth with Thy message send us,

Thy love and light to show,

Till, fired with true devotion

Enkindled by Thy word,

From ocean unto ocean,

Our land shall own Thee, Lord.

Our Loved Dominion Bless   1 comment

Flag of Canada 1868-1921

Above:  Flag of Canada, 1868-1921

Image in the Public Domain

Hymn Source = The Hymnary of The United Church of Canada (1930)

Text by Robert Murray (1832-1910)

A verse of “God Save Our Gracious King/Queen” in Canada


Our beloved Dominion bless

With peace and happiness

From shore to shore;

And let our Empire be

United, loyal, free

True to herself and Thee

For evermore.